Admin Booking Dashboard


New Student Registration


30 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 1 week

You will be charged this month remaining 1 week at the pro-rated rate $50.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $100.00 first, and then $200.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 1 周费用 $50.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $100.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$200.00 (美元)

45 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 1 week

You will be charged this month remaining 1 week at the pro-rated rate $70.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $120.00 first, and then $280.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 1 周费用 $70.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $120.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$280.00 (美元)

60 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 1 week

You will be charged this month remaining 1 week at the pro-rated rate $87.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $137.00 first, and then $348.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 1 周费用 $87.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $137.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$348.00 (美元)

30 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 2 weeks

You will be charged this month remaining 2 weeks at the pro-rated rate $100.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $150.00 first, and then $200.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 2 周费用 $100.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $150.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$200.00 (美元)

45 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 2 weeks

You will be charged this month remaining 2 weeks at the pro-rated rate $140.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $190.00 first, and then $280.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 2 周费用 $140.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $190.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$280.00 (美元)

60 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 2 weeks

You will be charged this month remaining 2 weeks at the pro-rated rate $174.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $224.00 first, and then $348.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 2 周费用 $174.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $224.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$348.00 (美元)

30 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 3 weeks

You will be charged this month remaining 3 weeks at the pro-rated rate $150.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $200.00 first, and then $200.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 3 周费用 $150.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $200.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$200.00 (美元)

45 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 3 weeks

You will be charged this month remaining 3 weeks at the pro-rated rate $210.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $260.00 first, and then $280.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 3 周费用 $210.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $260.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$280.00 (美元)

60 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 3 weeks

You will be charged this month remaining 3 weeks at the pro-rated rate $261.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $311.00 first, and then $348.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月剩余 3 周费用 $261.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $311.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$348.00 (美元)

30 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 4 weeks

You will be charged this month 4 weeks at the rate $200.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $250.00 first, and then $200.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月 4 周费用 $200.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $250.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$200.00 (美元)

45 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 4 weeks

You will be charged this month 4 weeks at the rate $280.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $330.00 first, and then $280.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月 4 周费用 $280.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $330.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$280.00 (美元)

60 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 4 weeks

You will be charged this month 4 weeks at the rate $348.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $398.00 first, and then $348.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取本月 4 周费用 $348.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $398.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$348.00 (美元)

30 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 5 weeks

You will be charged this month for a fixed 4 weeks pro-rated rate at $200.00 even you might be getting 5 weekly lessons this month (depends on the day of the week) + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $250.00 first, and then $200.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取每月固定 4 周费用 $200.00 尽管您在这个月份有可能会上到 5 个星期的课程(您的每周基础固定上课时间决定)+ 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $250.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$200.00 (美元)

45 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 5 weeks

You will be charged this month for a fixed 4 weeks pro-rated rate at $280.00 even you might be getting 5 weekly lessons this month (depends on the day of the week) + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $330.00 first, and then $280.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取每月固定 4 周费用 $280.00 尽管您在这个月份有可能会上到 5 个星期的课程(您的每周基础固定上课时间决定)+ 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $330.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$280.00 (美元)

60 Mins Lesson Member+1st Month prorated 5 weeks

You will be charged this month for a fixed 4 weeks pro-rated rate at $348.00 even you might be getting 5 weekly lessons this month (depends on the day of the week) + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $398.00 first, and then $348.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month. (USD)
您将先会被收取每月固定 4 周费用 $348.00 尽管您在这个月份有可能会上到 5 个星期的课程(您的每周基础固定上课时间决定)+ 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $398.00,之后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$348.00 (美元)

Special Circumstances Registration


以下的3种会费,是学生预先缴交第一个月的学费+报名费,学费/会费将从再下一个月,也就是第 2 个月的1号开始自动收取。值得注意的是,这段时间,基本是免费使用我们的平台。


目前,在公司或某一位老师的 schedule 还不是太满的情况下,大家可以斟酌使用。但是若是被排课的老师的课表已经很满,或这一家店的上课课表已经很满,或这一位老师非常好和容易安排且受欢迎,那我们就完全不建议也没有必要使用这类型的报名会费。

折扣码只有 “同一家庭报名费折扣” 的那一系列码可以使用这一类别,其他类别无法使用。原因很简单,因为我们鼓励马上续课,不建议中间有任何空挡。并且,在未来的时间段才开始上课,已经是我们或同事给出特殊优惠安排,因为如此安排已经预先免费占领了中心的资源和老师的时间,且一切都是未来的事情,太多不定因素,客人是可以要求信用卡公司全额退款,不管我们是否同意,所以不适合其他几项的折扣码促销活动。  

30 Mins Lesson Member_Delayed Start

You will start your lesson on the next month and you will not be charged for any membership usage fee from now until the beginning of the next month. You will be charged for the 1st month 4 weeks at the rate $200.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $250.00 now, and then $200.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month after initial month. (USD) 您的课程将从下个月开始上课,从现在起到下个月初的这段时间里,我们将不收取任何会员使用费。我们将先收您第一个月 4 周费用 $200.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $250.00,之后,在第一个月过后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$200.00 (美元)

45 Mins Lesson Member_Delayed Start

You will start your lesson on the next month and you will not be charged for any membership usage fee from now until the beginning of the next month. You will be charged for the 1st month 4 weeks at the rate $280.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $330.00 now, and then $280.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month after initial month. (USD) 您的课程将从下个月开始上课,从现在起到下个月初的这段时间里,我们将不收取任何会员使用费。我们将先收您第一个月 4 周费用 $280.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $330.00,之后,在第一个月过后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$280.00 (美元)

60 Mins Lesson Member_Delayed Start

You will start your lesson on the next month and you will not be charged for any membership usage fee from now until the beginning of the next month. You will be charged for the 1st month 4 weeks at the rate $348.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $398.00 now, and then $348.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month after initial month. (USD) 您的课程将从下个月开始上课,从现在起到下个月初的这段时间里,我们将不收取任何会员使用费。我们将先收您第一个月 4 周费用 $348.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $398.00,之后,在第一个月过后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$348.00 (美元)

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