Violin Lesson in Queens NY
Violin Lessons in NYC
( 3 1/2 years old and up )
If you are interested in taking violin lesson in Queens NY, our violin teachers do not just ask our students to model their playing or “copy” their musical sentences and call that a violin lesson. Instead, they will focus on proper fundamental development such as how to hold and use bow, producing a good sound, proper way of using body, notes and intonation development, how to vibrato, how to practice and train open string…etc. In addition, they will also incorporate musical notes reading, music literacy and basic theory and harmony idea into violin lessons.
At all three of Musipire music academy branches, we prepared complete sets of ready to use violin and bow for sale. If you are a beginner violin student, we also have all sorts of different sizes of violin and bow to meet your lesson needs. Even if you have been taking lessons for some time, we also have more advanced of instruments ready for you to try out and purchase. If you have developed many bad habits over the years or you have taken the wrong path that you child can not read music while playing violin, then Musipire is definitely your choice to start on the correct path of playing violin beautifully.
Please watch our youtube channel to learn more about our students’ great achievements and accomplishments
Violin is Queen of Instruments! It is such a beautiful instrument that once you know how to play it, you will experience the fullness and richness in live!
This question is often asked by prospective students. Our teachers make it a priority to get to know you on a personal level and to become familiar with your personal musical needs and goals. We do not treat every student the same in terms of what and how we teach. A seven year old having their first piano lesson will have very different needs than a fifty seven year old taking up piano for the 2nd time after having had lessons as a child. The main reason to choose the Musipire New York Music Academy as your music lesson provider, is that we are sensitive to the fact that every student is an individual. If you enroll here for lessons, we will work with you to make a plan that will fit your needs and musical preferences. At the first lesson your teacher will ask you about your favorite type of music, and set goals to help accomplish whatever musical aspirations you have for yourself or your child.
We teach all styles from rock, pop, jazz, country, blues and all the way to classical music.

It's easy to enroll, feel free to give us a call or email to us!
Musipire Queens
Music School
(718) 393-8866
83-35 Broadway 2nd FL Elmhurst, NY 11373

Musipire New York
Music School
85-23 Broadway 1st FL Elmhurst, NY 11373